A teacher in the making!

Published on September 2, 2020

A teacher in the making

At the age of 16, Rinjhu Kumari was busy taking care of household chores and her younger siblings.

Born in Naurangia village, Bihar, to landless migrant laborers working in a poultry farm, Rinjhu was raised by her grandparents because her parents had to migrate for work. Her village had no electricity and she was left with little time to study during the day, in danger of dropping out of school completely.

Rinjhu's story took a positive turn when the CRY project DEEP visited her village. Both Rinjhu and her family members were counseled about the necessity of attending school regularly and pursuing higher studies. After overcoming initial hurdles like making up for domestic chores, fear of personal security, and a rough terrain leading up to the school – Rinjhu finally resumed her education and was enrolled in a DEEP-run coaching center for free to help her make up for the lost time.

They say a child’s potential just needs the right opportunity. So was the case with Rinjhu too – thanks to CRY’s intervention, she cleared her board exams with flying colors!

Today, Rinjhu is pursuing her higher education by attending secondary school, even though that means that she has to travel for almost 7 km on her bicycle every day. Rinjhu dreams of becoming a teacher and helping more children like her achieve their dreams too!

You can give more children like Rinjhu the chance at a brighter future. Donate to CRY by clicking here.