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CRY Blog

The Vital Importance of Prenatal and Postnatal Care in India

For most women, becoming a mother and holding their newborn baby is one of the happiest moments of their lives. It is a joy and happiness that every woman wishing to become a moth....

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CRY Blog

Educational Equity: Ensuring Equal Opportunities for All Children

Imagine a classroom where every student feels supported and has what they need to learn and grow. This is the idea behind educational equity. It means giving all children a fair c....

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CRY Blog

Importance of STEM Education for Children in India

Driven by innovation and technology, a strong foundation in STEM education is becoming increasingly important. This is because the approach to study is not just about memorising f....

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CRY Blog

10 Fundamental Rights of a Child in India - Ensuring a Bright Future

The fundamental rights of children, enshrined in the Constitution and inspired by internationally accepted principles, ensure that the children of India grow up in a safe, nurturi....

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CRY Blog

Gender Inequality in India - Causes & Solutions

Gender inequality has been a crucial social issue in India for centuries. Census 2011 shows the child sex ratio among children of 0-6 years to be 918 girls for every 1000 boys....

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