International Women’s Day: History and How To Contribute?

Published on March 4, 2024

International Women's Day is a global celebration of women's achievements and a call to action for gender equality. At CRY - Child Rights and You, we believe that empowering girls is essential for building a brighter future. As we commemorate this significant day, let's explore the history of International Women's Day and discover how we can contribute to the cause.

international womens day

History of International Women's Day

International Women's Day has its roots in the early 20th-century women's rights movement. It originated from protests for better working conditions and voting rights for women. Since then, it has evolved into a day to honor women's achievements and advocate for gender equality worldwide. Over the years, the day also talks about, addressing diverse issues faced by women across the globe. Today, themes like gender equality, access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities for women remain key focuses of Women's Day celebrations.

How To Contribute?

Beyond the single day of celebration, there are numerous ways you can contribute to creating a more inclusive world for women throughout the year. 

1) Educate and Raise Awareness

Education is key to empowering girls and breaking the cycle of poverty. By raising awareness about the importance of girls' education, we can help create a more equitable society.

2) Support Women-Owned Businesses

Supporting women-owned businesses not only boosts the economy but also empowers women economically. By purchasing products and services from women entrepreneurs, we can contribute to their financial independence.

3) Advocate for Gender Equality

Advocating for gender inequality involves challenging stereotypes, biases, and discriminatory practices. By promoting equal rights and opportunities for women and girls, we can create a more inclusive society.

4) Donate to Women's Causes

Donating to organizations that support women's causes, such as CRY, can make a significant impact. Your contributions help fund programs and initiatives that empower and uplift girls and women in need.

5) Support Girl Educational Initiatives

At CRY, we are committed to ensuring every girl has access to quality education. Through our educational initiatives, we encourage girls to continue their studies, and support services to girls from marginalized communities.

6) Celebrate Women's Achievements

Take the time to celebrate the achievements of women in your life and community. Whether it's a family member, friend, or colleague, acknowledging their accomplishments can inspire others and foster a culture of appreciation.

How CRY India Empower & Support Girls?

How CRY India Empower & Support Girls

At CRY, we understand the crucial role girls play in shaping a more equitable future. Our programs focus on holistic development, addressing various challenges faced by girls in India, including:

Girl Child Education: Combating gender-based discrimination and promoting positive attitudes towards girl child education, encouraging their participation and success in school. We also help girls connect to government scholarships and schemes, bridge courses, and learning support to help them gain access to quality education and break the cycle of poverty. 

Child Marriage: Raising awareness about the harmful effects of child marriage, empowering girls to make informed choices, and advocating for stricter laws to eradicate this practice.

End Child Trafficking: Working towards preventing child trafficking, by providing them safer environment, life-skill sessions, and education.

Nutrition:  Enabling kitchen gardens to create a sustainable source of continued nutrition for adolescent girls while helping them reduce their financial expenses on food.

Menstrual health: Advocating for open conversations and proper management of menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls to ensure they grow up healthy and informed.

By focusing on these critical areas, CRY empowers girls to become agents of change, contributing positively to their families, communities, and the nation as a whole.

This International Women's Day, let's move beyond mere celebration and commit ourselves to creating a world where every woman and girl can reach their full potential. By taking action, advocating for change, and supporting organizations like CRY, we can build a more inclusive and equitable future for all.

Together, let's empower girls, celebrate women, and build a brighter tomorrow.