Courage pays rich dividends!

Published on September 3, 2020

Courage pays rich dividends

Sana*, a spunky 16-year-old, living in a quaint little village called Lohagal near Ajmer, belongs to the scheduled caste community.

After her father’s death due to tuberculosis, Sana’s mother became the sole breadwinner for the family. Making ends meet was tough and there were too many mouths to feed. That’s when Sana’s family decided to get her married – against her and her mother’s wishes. Being a part of the CRY children’s collective, Sana did not want to give in to her circumstances. So she mustered the courage to take a stand against child marriage and made a phone call to CRY; explaining her situation and asking for intervention.

CRY officials immediately visited Sana’s family, helped them understand the legal consequences of enforcing child marriage, and put a stop to the impending nuptials at once. Today, everyone applauds Sana for the courage she displayed. Since then, Sana has been a savior in disguise for other young girls. Being extremely skilled at applying henna, Sana gets called to many weddings in the nearby villages where she inconspicuously informs the young brides about the helpline number.

She says, “Thanks to CRY, I became more informed as an individual and was able to understand the adverse impact of child marriage. Today, I dream of completing my education and become a teacher so that I can support my mother.”

You can give more children like Sana the chance at a healthier future. Donate to CRY by clicking here.

*name changed to protect the child's identity