CRY awarded the GuideStar India Platinum Certification

Published on August 12, 2020

GuideStar India Platinum Certificate

Transparency and credibility are the two hallmarks that NGOs are measured by when one wants to support a social cause. While Child Rights and You (CRY) has been known to be one of India’s most trusted NGOs for over 4 decades now, we have once again proven our mettle by receiving the prestigious GuideStar India Platinum certification.

GuideStar India is India’s largest and most reliable NGO information repository. GuideStar India Platinum is a seal issued after thorough due diligence of an organization for legal & financial compliances and a certification that the organization is transparent and holds itself accountable to not just its stakeholders but also to the general public. It is a review based on facts presented by the NGO and verified against documents issued by regulatory authorities, statutory auditors, past donors and key visitors or memberships/accreditations with philanthropic intermediaries. It is additionally based on the organization making detailed disclosures in the GuideStar India template for disclosures in the public domain based on Credibility Alliance norms.

Since its inception, CRY has been focused on not just bringing happier childhoods to India’s underprivileged children, but doing so in a reliable and transparent manner that inspires confidence amongst its donors and supporters. The GuideStar Platinum certification is a further testament to CRY’s dedication towards its legacy of being India’s most trusted NGO.