From being a child worker to becoming a future scientist

Published on August 12, 2020

child worker to becoming a future scientist

Life was never easy for Naveen and his family. His father was a vegetable seller with no means to expand his business. To contribute to the meagre family income, Naveen had to drop out of school in the 4th grade and start working with his father at a vegetable stall.

When his story reached CRY project PORD, they intervened by creating means and opportunities for Naveen to get back to school. Making the most of this second chance, the boy connected with local children’s groups and quickly adapted to school life again. Naveen's immense interest and aptitude in science compelled his school to enroll him in a district-level science competition. The invention he developed for the competition, a smokeless 'chulha' to help women breathe easier while cooking, helped the former child labourer become a national award-winning inventor and an Ashoka Youth Venturer!

Naveen was also selected for Sakura Science Plan - an exchange program in Japan for budding scientists and has recently secured a seat at IIIT at Idupulapaya in Andhra Pradesh. “I’m extremely happy that I was selected for the Sakura Science Plan program" - he further says, "This would have been just a distant dream if CRY hadn’t helped me re-enroll in school after I had to drop out in 5th grade to work. Today, I’m chasing my dream of becoming a scientist!”

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