From a child worker to a future doctor – this is Kavita’s story!

Published on September 2, 2020

Kavita’s Story

Born to a migrant labour family in Kamar Chinwa village, Bihar, 16-year-old Kavita dreamt of becoming a nurse even as her family grappled with poverty. To help them make ends meet, she was compelled to work part time as a daily wage labourer with her mother. Being the eldest of 2 children also put the extra burden of taking care of the household on her young shoulders.

Kavita wanted to study and chase her dream but her circumstances led to her missing school more and more as time went by. She would have dropped out entirely, had it not been for CRY project DEEP – who became aware of her situation during a community visit and immediately decided to take up the matter with her parents. The project staff counselled them on the disadvantages of Kavita discontinuing her education and the ill effects of being a child worker could have on her mental and physical health. After many such sessions, her parents finally agreed to not only regularly send her to school but also enrolled her in a coaching centre run by the project to support her studies.

Her village unfortunately didn’t have a secondary school but with CRY’s help, her parents have enrolled Kavita into a government school that’s situated 7 kms away. Undaunted by the distance, she crosses the Khudi river on a bicycle every day to go to school. While her story continues, Kavita is a small example of what could be if we were to give every child in India the right support at the right time to fulfil their dreams!

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