Gajendra’s Amazing Recovery From Severe Malnutrition

Published on September 3, 2020

malnourished children in India

Two-year-old Gajendra* lives in Gorkha village with his father, a daily wage laborer, and four older siblings. His mother had passed away 7 days after his birth and the lack of proper feeding led to him becoming severely undernourished. While he was born weighing a healthy 3.1 kg, he dropped to 2 kg in a fortnight. He was observed as being severely malnourished.

CRY project GVS immediately took Gajendra to the Community Health Centre for medical support and ensured that he was given proper nutrition and that his weight was constantly monitored. His family was counseled not only on supplementary nutrition but also on infant care. A reference was also made to the district hospital which ensured that Gajendra got critical tertiary care. Field workers from CRY made regular home visits to Gajendra’s family, explaining the importance of immunizations. The family was also advised about maintaining hygiene and cleanliness at home. All these efforts went a long way in improving Gajendra’s health. From being a severely malnourished infant, Gajendra attained normal weight by the time he was seven months old.

Gajendra and his siblings continue to be taken to the Community Health Centre for regular growth monitoring and health check-ups. His story is a testament to the fact that timely intervention goes a long way in helping malnourished children survive and thrive!

You can give more children like Gajendra the chance at a healthier future. Donate to CRY by clicking here.

*name changed to protect the child's identity